Why Join Community Solar?

Community Solar allows residents and businesses to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without installing solar panels on their property. With Community Solar being available across the United States, now is the perfect time to join this rapidly growing community!

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The Benefits of a Solar Simplified Subscription

Affordable Utility Bills

Solar Simplified provides a discount on solar credits, which varies by state. This means that for every dollar worth of solar credits (applied directly to the utility bill), the subscriber pays a reduced amount, reflecting the applicable discount.

Zero Upfront Investment Costs

With rooftop solar, there are initial equipment and installation costs. A Solar Simplified subscription does not require panels or any type of installation. The result? Zero upfront costs.

No Changes to Utility Service

A Community Solar subscription does not require a change in electricity suppliers. Instead, credits are virtually applied to your utility bill—without any interruption of service.

No Installation Needed

An estimated 85% of U.S. residents can neither own nor lease rooftop solar panels because their roofs are physically unsuitable for solar panels, or because they live in multi-family housing. Community Solar makes virtually anyone eligible for solar energy, all that’s needed is an electric bill.

Supports your Local Economy

Community Solar projects are significant investments for the local economy. Solar Simplified connects subscribers to local solar farms, ensuring that new jobs are created and community projects can flourish.

Ready to help the environment?

(And save up on your electric bills)